Posts Tagged ‘mind’


Dont be waiting to fall of the sky!

October 17, 2008


  You must be thinking: ¨ So they tell all the pages of Internet To gain money, since he will earn money! It looks up to easy much for the one who knows marketing, computer science, strategies of sales etc. But I have not any of these certificates ¨.

Very well! Many persons without any knowledge of computer science, gained millions in this branch; I obviate that nowadays with all full demand, the profits are less to put if you will be able to choose the best it will be able to have a memorable income!
My knowledges of Marketing were reasonable because it had published a magazine-free-paper-e when some persons were commanded. Also I suffered already very bad phases and in that of these relapses I read and investigated a lot of sobre¨como to go round for top ¨.

I am going to leave here my first income to open the doors for his success. This marvellous book, of easy understanding and with many receipts that procede The Secret and teach more literalmente how it will win his barriers themselves and to wake the whole inner strength that comes from his yourself it lies:

Unlimited Power-

1. Anthony Robins the specialist in psychology, of the very performance of being human and organizations. Author of success with 4 titles published in 14 languages, Power without limits, Wakes the inner giant, giant’s Steps and Messages deum make friends. He produced also a series on personal development and of bigger success of all the tempos¨Personal Power ¨. Many famous persons who reached the top owe to he his success (more details in his book).

   The secret of the success is to learn as it will use the pain and the pleasure instead of being used by the pain and the pleasure. If you will do that, it will be in the control of his life. It will not be done, the life will control it. ”     Anthony Robbins¨

   2. Joseph McClendon III, teacher of the University of the Califórnia, founder and president of the Succeleration Research Group, Employer of inquiries applied for compreenção of the human behaviour.

¨De far, the biggest difference between success and failure is in the way for which we get in touch with knots ourselves and in the attitudes that we took ¨. Joseph McClendon